SmartBank has re-opened branch lobbies with regular hours in all locations with the exception of the East Lamar Alexander Parkway branch in Maryville, TN. We are taking extra precautions to provide a safe and healthy banking atmosphere for our clients and associates. Some of the extra measures we’ve put in place include:
- Acrylic Counter Shields at all teller windows and pods to guard against the spread of germs
- Floor Markers have been strategically placed in the branches to create social distancing marks 6 feet apart
- Cleaning Protocols have been put in place to sanitize high-touch surfaces and public spaces throughout the day
- Lobby Signage has been posted with important tips and reminders to encourage safe social distancing practices
- Lobby Management is conducted to encourage the use of the floor markers and social distancing measures we have put in place
And last but not least, we ask that anyone who is sick to please use e-banking or tele-banking services. Drive-thrus are open and are another great option to limit person-to-person contact.
Should there be a change with branch operations or hours, we will post details on our website and social media pages.
As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to our Client Services Team at 866.290.2554, email at, or by Live Chat at
Thank you for your valued banking relationship with SmartBank. Stay safe and be well.